Signage bylaw studied

A committee will evaluate regulations for signage for Summerland.


The times are changing and in Summerland, the signs of the times may also undergo some changes.

The municipality will form a committee to evaluate the sign bylaw and make suggestions for changes.

Municipal planner Ian McIntosh said the committee will consider how many signs are allowed at a business, how big they may be and how they may be placed.

In recent years, the municipality has had numerous requests for variances to the sign bylaw.

The most recent and most noticeable request came in summer when Bad Robot asked for and received a variance to allow a window sign more than twice as large as is allowed under the existing sign bylaw.

“When you’re getting lots of variance applications, it’s an indication a bylaw needs work,” McIntosh said.

While Summerland’s Old English theme has also come under review recently, McIntosh said the sign bylaw is a separate matter.

The bylaw will stipulate how many signs are allowed, how big they may be and how tall they can stand.

The committee will consist of members of the business, agricultural and winery sectors.

Also on the committee will be  members of the community at large and a council representative and an alternate.

“It’s making sure the bylaw we have is up to date,” added Mayor Janice Perrino.

The committee would remain in place until the bylaw has been evaluated.


Summerland Review