The Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen has provided sand, sandbags and instructional videos for Faulder residents affected by regional flooding. While creeks are full and Okanagan Lake is above full pool level, significant flooding is not expected in Summerland. (Photo courtesy of the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen)

The Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen has provided sand, sandbags and instructional videos for Faulder residents affected by regional flooding. While creeks are full and Okanagan Lake is above full pool level, significant flooding is not expected in Summerland. (Photo courtesy of the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen)

Significant flooding not expected in Summerland

Okanagan Lake now slightly higher than full pool level

Although creeks are full and Okanagan Lake is above its full pool level, serious flooding is not expected in Summerland.

Kris Johnson, Summerland’s director of works and utilities, said Okanagan Lake is now eight centimetres above full pool level, and the province expects it will rise to 15 centimetres above full pool.

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In addition, while area creeks are full, there has been little water damage this spring, he said.

The municipality has set out sand for sandbags in the Garnet Valley area, along Lakeshore Drive and in Trout Creek. Those who are concerned about rising water levels can fill sandbags at these locations.

Summerland’s snow pack has melted and the water level at Garnet Dam is dropping, he added.

The water level in creeks and at the lake should peak some time this week.

This spring, damage from rising water has been minimal, although there has been a little bit of damage on part of the Gartrell Trail, Johnson said.

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