Tania Dick, Dawada’enuxw band councillor, protests fish farming in Nanaimo last week.

Tania Dick, Dawada’enuxw band councillor, protests fish farming in Nanaimo last week.

Signs of protest

NANAIMO – First Nations were among those gathering in Nanaimo to advocate for the removal of fish farms from their traditional territories.

Tania Dick, Dawada’enuxw band councillor, protests fish farming in Nanaimo last week.

Members of various First Nations were among those gathering in Nanaimo to advocate for the removal of fish farms from their traditional territories.

The contingent arrived at the dock near Cameron Island aboard the RV Martin Sheen, a ship used by environmental group Sea Shepherd.

Nanaimo was a stop on its ultimate destination of Vancouver on Monday. Along the way, it stopped to deliver a letter to the parliament buildings in Victoria on Saturday.

Nanaimo News Bulletin