Silver Star Mountain hotel guests forced out into frigid weather by fire

Silver Star firefighters respond to incident at Vance Creek Hotel

Guests at a Silver Star Mountain hotel were forced out into minus 20 weather after fire alarm bells pierced the night.

Members of the Silver Star Fire Department responded to reports of a fire at the Vance Creek Hotel at 12:40 a.m. Wednesday.

“The first crews found heavy smoke in the saloon,” said Russ Mills, fire chief.

Fifteen guests were forced out of their rooms and into the frigid weather.

“We put them in the lobby of the Chilcoot Conference Centre where it was warm,” said Russell Haubrich, Vance Creek Hotel general manager.

Firefighters searched the building and they eventually discovered some greasy rags near the kitchen that had caught on fire but had been extinguished by overhead sprinklers.

“We’re guessing it’s spontaneous combustion,” said Mills of the potential cause.

“Sprinklers are a God send or we would be facing a massive structure fire.”

Because the fire was reported to be in a hotel, the BX-Swan Lake Fire Department was called in for assistance.

“I’m really pleased with the actions of my department and those of the BX,” said Mills.

Water from the sprinkler has created significant challenges.

“It flooded that part of the restaurant and it did damage in the space below which is the saloon,” said Haubrich, adding that a restoration crew is on site and it could be a couple of days before the saloon is open.

According to the Silver Star Fire Department, guests were allowed to return to their rooms at around 4:30 a.m.


Vernon Morning Star