Simon Fraser University is pictured in Burnaby, B.C., Tuesday, Apr 16, 2019. Simon Fraser University has retained a Vancouver-based lawyer after concerns were raised by student-athletes. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Simon Fraser University is pictured in Burnaby, B.C., Tuesday, Apr 16, 2019. Simon Fraser University has retained a Vancouver-based lawyer after concerns were raised by student-athletes. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Simon Fraser University hires lawyer after student-athletes voice concerns

The university has hired Sarah Chamberlain, who works for the law firm Southern Butler Price

Simon Fraser University has retained a Vancouver-based lawyer after concerns were raised by student-athletes.

University spokesman Braden McMillan says in an emailed statement that the university has hired Sarah Chamberlain, who works for the law firm Southern Butler Price, and specializes in investigating sports-related matters.

McMillan did not detail the specific allegations Chamberlain will investigate

He says the university takes all complaints of bullying and harassment very seriously.

Chamberlain was appointed by the Office of the Sports Integrity Commissioner as a independent investigation/assessor member for its Investigation Unit and Sport Environment Assessment Unit in 2022.

The office operates as an independent division of the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada.

The Canadian Press

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