Single vehicle accident on Tachie Highway

A single vehicle accident on the Tachie Highway on Nov. 7 may result in charges.

A single vehicle accident on the Tachie Highway on Nov. 7 resulted in five people going to hospital.

While no life-threatening injuries were found, one six-year-old child was still suffering from back pain.

The Ford super cab pickup hit the ditch while driving towards Fort St. James, then went end over end, totaling the vehicle.

The six-year-old was not secured in a car seat at the time of the accident, and road conditions were a factor in the crash.

RCMP are considering charges under the Motor Vehicle Act related to driving too fast for road conditions and failing to secure the child in a car seat. Alcohol was not a factor in the incident.

Drivers are reminded to drive according to road conditions and to ensure the safety of all passengers by making sure they are properly restrained.

Caledonia Courier