A BC Hydro rendering of the Site C project.

A BC Hydro rendering of the Site C project.

Site C decision the right one, Clovechok says

The provincial government announced earlier this week that the Site C dam in the Peace River region will be going ahead

The provincial government announced earlier this week that the Site C dam in the Peace River region will be going ahead

The mega-project, the largest capital investment in provincial history at over $10 billion, was opposed by the NDP duringthe recent election campaign. However, Premier John Horgan promised to have the project reviewed by the BC UtilitiesCommission before making a decision on whether to move forward or shut it down after taking the government reigns in a power-sharing agreement with the BC Greens in July.

Columbia River Revelstoke MLA Doug Clovechok says going ahead was the right decision, the only decision, to make.

“I know they’ve broken some promises and lots of people are mad at them (the NDP) but at the end of the day,they are doing the right thing,” he said. “We’re talking about 2500 jobs and $4 billion lost if he hadn’t done it.”

Clovechok says that Site C is the most reviewed project in the history of British Columbia.

“John Horgan reached the same conclusion that we did, but it took six months and thousands more dollars. They already knew what decision would be made, but they politicized it and that’s unfortunate.”

Clovechok says the dam will produce enough power for generations down the road and most importantly right now keep over 2000 British Columbians working.

“They’re going to have a good Christmas,” he said.

He points out that the mega-project was on time and on budget back in June when the government changed.

“It’s way over budget now. I’m going to be watching the spending closely.

“But in the end it was the only decision they could make. People 50 years from now will say we’re sure glad that project continued. That would be my guess.”

Clovechok says there is no reason that Site C will detract from other clean energy projects.

“It doesn’t detract from alternative forms of energy. Those types of projects will continue. Look at the SunMine in Kimberley. There will be more projects like that.”

As for the political fallout, Clovechok says he thinks Green Party leader Andrew Weaver ‘doth protest too much’.

“I truly believe Mr. Weaver is very good at theatre. He’s not going to bring the government down over this. or me, if you have values and truly believe them, you do something. He’s saying this isn’t important enough. It’s contrived.”

Clovechok also says that he understands some First Nations aren’t happy with the decision to go ahead, but he points out that others are.

“There are multiple First Nations groups for this project too. They are onsite, working on the project.

“I recognize it isn’t popular with everyone, but I think history will show it was the right decision.”


Kimberley Daily Bulletin