The Regional District of North Okanagan has asked for a representative from the ministry of transportation to attend a meeting and provide an update on the maintenance schedule at the Kalamalka Lake Lookout.

The Regional District of North Okanagan has asked for a representative from the ministry of transportation to attend a meeting and provide an update on the maintenance schedule at the Kalamalka Lake Lookout.

Site on the lookout for maintenance

Word is, the ministry of transportation doesn’t do aesthetics

Word is, the ministry of transportation doesn’t do aesthetics.

Regional District of North Okanagan directors will send a letter to the ministry asking for a resolution to the overgrown weeds and general cleanliness at the Kalamalka Lake Lookout by establishing regular maintenance.

“I’ve had some conversation with ministry people and the information I’ve heard is the ministry doesn’t do aesthetics,” said director Bob Fleming. “They will take care of graffiti and  service the washrooms. But in terms of landscaping, they have no interest.”

Complaints about the appearance of the lookout came filtering in to directors in June. This coming only months after the ministry spent $58,000 in the fall of 2015 to upgrade the site, including installing two outhouses, six picnic tables, garbage bins, fencing, trees and a grassy area.

The complaints were about dead trees and weeds at the lookout.

RDNO directors have requested a ministry representative attend the Sept. 8 Greater Vernon Advisory Committee meeting to provide an update on the lookout’s maintenance schedule.

“We want them to confirm what they will do and what they won’t do,” said Fleming.


Vernon Morning Star