Six new COVID cases in Castlegar last week

The Kootenay Boundary is seeing a rise in COVID cases

Confirmed COVID-19 cases throughout the Kootenays continued to rise over the last week.

According to the latest figures released by the BCCDC, there were 39 new cases in the Kootenay Boundary for the week of April 9 – 15. The region saw 33 new cases for the week of April 2 – 8 and 22 new cases for the week of March 22 – 30.

In spite of the recent rise in cases, the Kootenay Boundary continues to have one of the lowest case counts in the province.

For the reporting period of April 4 – 10, there were six new cases diagnosed in Castlegar, 13 in Nelson and eight in Trail.

For the previous reporting period (March 28 – April 3) there were four cases in both Castlegar and Trail and eight cases in Nelson.

The cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases from January 2020 through March 2021 for Castlegar was 23, Nelson/Salmo had 87 and Trail had 31.

Editor’s note: These figures are based on the latest BCCDC information available as of press time. The BCCDC updates health service area, cities and cumulative totals at different rates and on different days.

Castlegar News