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Six-storey apartment project moves forward, despite protests from neighbouring residents

The 77-unit rental building to be constructed on Third Avenue in Mission

A zoning change that would allow the construction of a six-storey rental apartment building on Third Avenue, has been granted third reading by Mission council.

Last Monday night, council held a public hearing on the proposal, which would see 77 residential units built.

For the project – located at 33128, 33136 and 33144 Third Ave. – to move forward, the area would have to be rezoned to a new CD48 Zone.

During the public hearing, several local residents spoke against the plan saying the nearly 75 foot tall structure would obliterate their view as well as the project not fitting in with the area, which they said consists mostly of older heritage homes

“I know there has to be more denser housing in places, but I don’t think that is the right location,” said one speakers.

Others said the rental building will negatively impact the area and devalue neighbouring properties.

Another common concern was the increase in people and cars to the small, quiet street.

One speaker said the “once quiet lane” will now see a “huge amount of activity” on a one way access which they believe will be dangerous to both drivers and pedestrians.

Still others raised concerns regarding the “short notice” of the public hearing adding the rezoning sign was covered up by a parked RV that blocked it from view.

After the hearing, council had the opportunity to make comments and ask questions of staff.

Coun. Danny Plecas asked about the potential loss of view for residents on Fourth Avenue due to the height of building.

Staff explained that Mission does not “zone or protect view corridors,” adding it is “inevitable that view corridors get impacted by new buildings.”

Despite the concerns, most of council were in support of the project moving forward.

“Our goal is to make the downtown walkable so that people walk to access the commercial areas, and so I think that’s the hope,” said Mayor Pam Alexis. “So I’m looking forward to that extra foot traffic that will populate First Avenue and beyond.”

She also said the location would make the rental apartments desirable for people who use the West Coast Express.

Coun. Ken Herar was the only person to vote against the proposal.

“I just feel that it’s in the wrong location and it really changes the character and the dynamics of the whole area. It’s going to be a sore thumb that really sticks out,” Herar said after the meeting.

Mission City Record