Police remove 16 people from area roads for impaired driving.

Police remove 16 people from area roads for impaired driving.

Sixteen people taken off local roads for driving under the influence

Campbell River RCMP, in partnership with North Vancouver Island Traffic Services, were out in full force over the holiday long weekend

The Campbell River RCMP, in partnership with North Vancouver Island Traffic Services, were out in full force over the holiday long weekend targeting impaired drivers, patrolling rural recreation areas and conducting road safety checks.

Over the last week, 16 people were removed from the roadways as they were found to be driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, Campbell River RCMP Const. Jackelynn Biller reports.

Police interacted with over one hundred drivers as they passed through road safety check stops that were set up in several locations, including McIvor Lake, downtown Campbell River, Willow Point and access roads to the Inland Highway. These check stops resulted in numerous drivers being issued Immediate Roadside Suspensions and their vehicles impounded.

Four drivers were detained under the Criminal Code of Canada for Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle and charges are being forwarded. One of the individuals is believed to have been operating a motor vehicle with nearly three times the legal limit of alcohol in his body.

Despite the extensive enforcement efforts by the RCMP, one person succumbed to their injuries as a result of a single vehicle collision on Hwy 28 on Aug. 2. Police suspect that alcohol was a contributing factor in this collision and North Vancouver Island Traffic Services are continuing to investigate.

The Campbell River RCMP wish to extend their appreciation to the citizens of this community who assisted in making their roadways a safer place over this busy long weekend. As a result of citizens reporting suspected impaired drivers to police, several vehicle stops were initiated and the subsequent investigations lead to drivers were being issued driving prohibitions and their vehicles impounded.

In total, four persons are facing criminal code impaired driving charges, four individuals received a 90 day Driving Prohibition, two individuals received a 24 hours Driving Prohibition for Drugs, three individuals received a 24 hours Driving Prohibition for Alcohol, one individual received a three-day Driving Prohibtion, one individual continues to be investigated for impaired operation of a motor vehicle and one individual succumbed to their injuries in what is being investigated as an impaired related motor vehicle collision.

“Please enjoy your summer and be responsible if you are planning on consuming alcohol. Alcohol is the leading cause of death on our roadways and the Campbell River RCMP, working in partnership with North Vancouver Island Traffic Services, will be actively targeting persons who choose to drive after they have consumed alcohol,” said Const. Biller.

Campbell River Mirror