Skeena MLA Ellis Ross has been named critic for Environment and Climate Change Strategy for the BC Liberals. (Black Press file photo)

Skeena MLA Ellis Ross named critic for Environment and Climate Change Strategy

Previously, Ross was the critic for LNG, Resource Opportunities, and Responsible Development

  • Nov. 30, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Skeena MLA Ellis Ross has been named critic for Environment and Climate Change Strategy in the BC Liberal Official Opposition caucus.

“One of my big motivations for joining politics in the first place was my desire to see environmental policy become an integral part of our economic development discussions,” Ross said in a media release. “British Columbians expect this government to find the balance between economic progress and environmental sustainability, and I intend to use my time in this role to hold this government to account and ensure it upholds the standards that British Columbians expect.”

The new BC Liberal MLA critic roles were announced Nov. 30. Previously, Ross was the critic for LNG, Resource Opportunities, and Responsible Development.

On Sept. 10, the BC Liberals made an announcement involving critic role changes to focus on major economic areas amidst COVID-19. Amidst these changes, Ross was set to maintain his previous critic position, but ultimately the roles were withdrawn when the snap provincial election was called on Sept. 21.

READ MORE: Skeena MLA Ellis Ross maintains position as Official Opposition Critic for LNG

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