

I enjoyed your fence straddling editorial on the Lower Kootenay Band's project.

  • Apr. 30, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Letter to the editor,

I enjoyed your fence straddling editorial on the Lower Kootenay Band’s project.

Skiing was a most important part of Kokanee Springs original proposal so we may finally see skiing above our lake. Kokanee spent much trying to find a good skiing area just over 50 years ago and the reports may be filed away somewhere. Sherraden Creek got too much sun and the snow doesn’t stay, The South Fork of Gray Creek was too steep and cold, while tributaries of Crawford Creek didn’t pan out.

Evidently, Chief Louie is planning to advance his Band, as Osoyoos has done by moving into profitable projects that produce employment and lessen the reliance on Ottawa.

Partnering with Retallack is a smart move as Retallack has been in operation for some years. They produce enough of their own power from a plant on the Kaslo River to even use electric heat in the lodge. We have not seen any eco complaints about their operation. Google Retallack and you will find they are solidly booked through 2019.

The Eastshore desperately needs employment for families with children to utilize the Crawford Bay School which needs twice as many students as it has.

Tom Lymbery, Gray Creek

Creston Valley Advance