Avalanche Awareness Day at FAR. File photo

Avalanche Awareness Day at FAR. File photo

Slide on Momma Bear run causes Polar Peak to close

One individual trapped in slide, rescued by partner

At approximately 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 24, Fernie Alpine Resort (FAR) experienced a snow slide on Momma Bear run, which entrapped one individual.

The individual was able to reach their hands above the snow, allowing their partner to uncover them. They sustained no serious injuries.

Ski Patrol and the snow safety team performed a post-incident transceiver search and gave the all-clear.

This slide caused Polar Peak lift to close.

The 2017/18 season has brought with it a massive amount of snow. Although temperatures lately have remained cold, fluctuating temperatures earlier in the season have produced unstable layers. FAR is still dealing with the challenges that the November snowfall caused, having warmed up, then plunged into a deep freeze.

“We’ve done more control work this winter than most winters, far above average,” said Resorts of the Canadian Rockies VP of Sales and Marketing, Matt Mosteller.

“It’s a considerable amount of work by our highly-professional team, we’re very fortunate to have one of the best teams in the business at the helm there,” he added.

Weather permitting, and after further review by Ski Patrol, FAR will consider re-opening Polar Peak lift.

Fernie Alpine Resort says that the safety of their guests and their team is their top priority.

The Free Press