Slippery road delivers postal truck onto electrical box

The driver of a Canada Post truck is uninjured after his truck landed on top of an electrical box Thursday morning.

A postal truck slid off the road and landed on a power box Thursday morning after backing out of a driveway on Broadview Avenue. A towing company is on scene and will likely need to use a crane to remove the vehicle. The driver was uninjured in the incident.

A postal truck slid off the road and landed on a power box Thursday morning after backing out of a driveway on Broadview Avenue. A towing company is on scene and will likely need to use a crane to remove the vehicle. The driver was uninjured in the incident.

The driver of a Canada Post truck is uninjured after his truck landed on top of an electrical box Thursday morning.

The truck slid off the road as the driver attempted to back out of a steep driveway on Broadview Avenue just after 11 a.m.

A towing company is currently on the scene and will likely need to use a crane to remove the vehicle.


Kelowna Capital News