A person stacks sand bags in Grand Forks. Photo: Kathleen Saylors

A person stacks sand bags in Grand Forks. Photo: Kathleen Saylors

Slocan Valley added to communities on flooding evac alert

Kootenay Lake is expected to reach flooding level in Nelson by Friday

  • May. 19, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Flooding still has several communities on evacuation alert as water levels continue to slowly rise.

Several areas within the Slocan Valley have been included on the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s list of communities on alert along with Salmo and Ymir.

In a statement last Friday, RDCK emergency operations centre director Andrew Bellerby said conditions remain uncertain despite slowing snow melt and good weather.

“Over the past few days, crews have placed nearly 20,000 sandbags in critical points in Salmo, and they will now be deployed to other high-priority areas or returning to regular duty,” said Bellerby.

“While we are cautiously optimistic, there is still the potential for flooding, and we are asking the public to stay alert and stay informed.”

Salmo Elementary was closed as a precaution Friday.

In the Slocan Valley, properties on Indian Point Road, Arrow Road, Little Slocan South Road, Passmore Lower Road, Woykin Road and Slocan Valley West Road are on RDCK’s evac alert list.

In Nelson, meanwhile, rising Kootenay Lake levels have already flooded the dog park adjacent to the airport. Fortis BC’s daily report said the level Wednesday morning was 533.09 metres high.

The city’s flooding level is considered 534.31 metres, which is what it hit in 2012. The Fortis report says Kootenay Lake is expected to reach that level by Tuesday.

Lake levels are also high in Queen’s Bay, where the water is currently at 533.92 metres.


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Nelson Star