A small wildfire about three kilometres southeast of Chase on Scatchard Mountain reported Saturday is under control and not expected to grow. (Photo contributed)

A small wildfire about three kilometres southeast of Chase on Scatchard Mountain reported Saturday is under control and not expected to grow. (Photo contributed)

Small wildfire near Chase under control

Spot-sized fire on Scatchard Mountain not expected to grow

A small wildfire on Scatchard Mountain above Chase is well in hand.

Kamloops Fire Centre Fire Information Officer Marla Catherell says the fire that was reported on the morning of Saturday, July 14 was “spot sized.”

A team of three from the BC Wildfire Service applied 200 gallons of water on the blaze, which was quickly under control.

“We don’t anticipate any growth,” says Catherell of the fire that is three kilometres southeast of Chase.

Related: From April – Fire near Chase under control

But much of the Shuswap is rated at “high danger” and the forecast is for hot, dry weather with the possibility of dry lightning.

Campfires are still permitted but extreme caution is called for and the law requires that all campfires be fully extinguished before leaving them.

Catherell says the Wildfire Service relies on the eyes of the public in spotting smoke and fire in the forest.

To report smoke or a fire, call 1 800 663-5555 or *5555 on a cell phone.


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