Smoke viewed from 100 Mile House on July 26. According to the incident command centre the smoke could be coming from fires in the Chilcotin or the Elephant Hill fire. Tara Sprickerhoff photo.

Smoke viewed from 100 Mile House on July 26. According to the incident command centre the smoke could be coming from fires in the Chilcotin or the Elephant Hill fire. Tara Sprickerhoff photo.

Small wildfire near Meadow Lake discovered

Fire 100 per cent surrounded by cat guard

A small fire near Meadow Lake south west of 100 Mile House was discovered on July 25.

The fire was discovered at a size of one hectare and has remained at that size overnight, says Fire Information Officer Travis Fairweather.

“There are currently two initial attack crews working on the fire. They are just getting some hose lay in there,” he says.

Crews on the fire have also built a cat guard 100 per cent around the fire.

“Anytime you’ve got the guard all the way around the fire it’s usually a pretty good sign. Obviously, the situation can change so there is no certainty, but when that happens there is definitely high confidence that it won’t get any bigger than that cat line,” says Fairweather.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

100 Mile House Free Press