Smithers Local Health Area (Houston to Witset) records 29 new case of COVID-19 between Dec. 13 and 19. (BC Centre for Disease Control graphic)

Smithers Local Health Area reports 29 new COVID-19 cases between Dec. 13 and 19

New cases bring total to 91 for Houston to Witset since January

  • Dec. 24, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Smithers Local Health Area (LHA) grew by 29 between Dec. 13 and 19.

That brings the total case count for Smithers LHA (Houston to Witset) to 91 since January or 0.4 per cent of the population, which is 18.405 according to its Community Health Service Area profile.

Caseloads in surrounding Northwest Health Service Delivery Area LHAs for the second week of December included Terrace 27, Burns Lake 11, Upper Skeena 4, Kitimat 2, Nisga’a 1 and Prince Rupert 1. The Snow Country Telegraph Creek and Stikine LHAs reported one case among them.

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Data from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control for LHAs previously only published monthly is now being updated weekly on Wednesdays.

While the province as a whole started to see a levelling off of infections following a peak of almost 1,000 per day in the third week of November, Northern Health numbers continued to accelerate until they peaked at 63 on Dec. 5.

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Yesterday, there were eight new cases in the region for a total of 482 active cases with 51 currently hospitalized and 18 receiving critical care.

There have been 16 confirmed deaths and 1,015 victims are considered to have recovered.

A weekly report on Health Service Delivery Areas (HSDA) of which there are three in the North is expected later today.

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Smithers Interior News