Council hopeful makes his initial bid for your vote

  • Sep. 24, 2020 12:00 a.m.
Randy Bell

Randy Bell

The Interior News gave all the candidates in the upcoming Smithers municipal byelection an opportunity to provide 500 words about their candidacy.

What they wrote was entirely up to them, although we did suggest they include some biographical information, why they wanted to run, what they thought the most important issue is or issues are and what they wanted to do about it/them.

I am a follower of Jesus, a husband and father. I am married and have two adult children.

I believe marriage to be a covenant between a man and a woman as prescribed by God, that human life is sacred at all stages, and it is our duty and responsibility to protect children.

Throughout my IT business experiences, I have gained knowledge of a variety of businesses, collaborating with diverse ideas. One of my most import skills is troubleshooting problems with critical thinking and solving them, while increasing efficiency and creating cost effective solutions.

I am running because I want to part of the long-term solutions that will see our community succeed –which includes support of our police and fair tax levels.

Furthermore, I see this is a battle for our culture, where we currently have a leftist agenda that seeks to censor our speech, limit our movement and control our free enterprises.


Instead, I promote a culture of liberty, freedom and diverse ideas, rather than playing identity politics. It is our individualism with shared values such as gratefulness, freedom, tolerance, and personal responsibility that will help our community to flourish.

Do we need at $16 million library? Do the taxpayers want to take on additional debt in the form of higher taxes? I would push to have an immediate referendum.

Some of the top priorities we need to pay attention to are both ideological and policy-based. First and foremost is to retrack this fake climate emergency status in Smithers. Instead, let’s clear the air and create a more accurate picture of global warming. We know there are many reasons why the climate changes in which none of them are fully understood, and more importantly there is no evidence that CO2 emissions are dominant factor.

The global mean temperature has increased slightly and erratically by about one-degree Celsius in the past 200 years.

“The long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible” according to the IPCC. It is only radical environmentalist, politicians and media that are the ones pushing the global warming alarmism narrative.

Smithers core infrastructure like sidewalks, roads, and sewers need to be a continued priority.

I support freezing taxes and a plan to lower them. We have a tax spending problem, not a tax collection problem.

Paperweight awards for bad governance is what our councils have been collecting. They have made such bad decisions; the CFIB decided they deserved a lifetime paperweight award for attempting to block our CT scanner installation. I want to focus in on this bylaw and others to either replace or fix them. Fewer regulations are better; we have far too much red tape.

It is just as important now than ever, that we are working hard during these challenging times so that we can benefit from fruits of labour into the future. And as part of the local council, we should be encouraging business and resource developments.

Smithers Interior News