Smithers parents support job action by teachers

An informal poll conducted by the Smithers Interior News shows community support for teachers in SD 54.

An informal poll conducted by the Smithers Interior News shows community support for teachers in SD 54.

The poll, conducted between March 2 – 9, showed 71% of respondents supported the teachers’ strike action.

A total of 163 individuals responded to the poll.

At a public information meeting last Tuesday, hosted by the Bulkley Valley Teachers Union, Leeann Herrington, one of two parents present, said she found the meeting helpful and was disappointed with the government’s position in Bill 22.

“Bill 22 encompasses more than wages, all you hear in the media is the teachers want more money,” Herrington said.

“It’s much more than that.”

A parent of two school-aged children, Herrington admitted she was worried Bill 22 would remove class size and class composition restrictions.

“There are a lot of students who have special needs and they need a little bit of one-on-one time with the teachers,” she said.

“If the teachers are already stretched to the limit, you add a few more students, you’re cutting down the little time they do have for each student, especially for the students who need extra help, or even the students who just need a bit of attention.

“I have an 11-year-old and a seven-year-old, what kind of future do I want for them?”

See next weeks Interior News for the latest on the teachers’ job action and Bill 22.





Smithers Interior News