Smoke from the Merry Creek fire in Castlegar is choking the valley. Photo: Jennifer Small Special to Castlegar News

Smoke prompts air quality advisory for Trail

Statement issued by Environment Canada and the B.C. Ministry of Environment

Several regions of B.C., including the Trail area, are being impacted or are likely to be impacted by wildfire smoke over the next 24 to 48 hours.

Smoke concentrations will continue to build in several regions of the province.

The next bulletin update will be available July 04, 2021.

Individuals may experience symptoms such as increased coughing, throat irritation, headaches or shortness of breath.

Children, seniors, and those with cardiovascular or lung disease, such as asthma, are especially at risk.

If you or those in your care are exposed to wildfire smoke, consider taking extra precautions to reduce your exposure.

Wildfire smoke is a constantly-changing mixture of particles and gasses which includes many chemicals that can harm your health.

For more details, consult

Visit for information on how to reduce your health risk and your personal contribution to pollution levels, as well as for current and forecast AQHI values.

Continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.

Trail Daily Times