Smoke Signals

The week's call outs

  • Jun. 22, 2011 8:00 a.m.

Sooke Fire Rescue responded to the following incidents in the period between June 1-12.

12 medical calls

One alarm activation

One car into a building (Wood Travel)

Four illegal burns – no burning permitted in June (July August or September either for that matter)

Three brush fires – Fire Weather Index is now at HIGH for Sooke.   One of these fires was in a large slash pile in Jordan River. Crews were out for about four hours dealing with this due to the high winds and the fire starting to burn underground.

Sooke Fire Rescue Service is also beginning its volunteer firefighter recruiting campaign. Applications available at the fire station.  They are especially seeking volunteers from the Saseenos area.

Fire Chief Steven Sorensen

Sooke News Mirror