Smoking room, hedge required for women’s recovery centre expansion

L.I.F.E. facility on Braeside allowed 12 new beds, with conditions

The entrance to the L.I.F.E. assisted living facility on Braeside Street.

The entrance to the L.I.F.E. assisted living facility on Braeside Street.

A women’s recovery centre on Braeside Street will need to create an indoor smoking area and build a hedge before they can expand.

L.I.F.E Recovery Society Association applied to add 12 beds to their existing 18 in October, but neighbours complained the centre’s residents were already causing disruption from loud outdoor conversations and second-hand smoke.

The city approved the expansion, but only if the centre follows a set of restrictions. They have to install a smoke filter in one of the rooms, and all residents must only smoke indoors. They need to build a perimeter hedge along one side of their property, and repair any damage to their perimeter fence. And they need to work with the city to build a sidewalk in front of the building.

The restrictions were chosen after city staff met with a representative from the centre and discussed neighbours’ concerns.

Immediately after they heard the complaints, centre leadership made new rules to restrict when residents were allowed to smoke outside.

The centre offers “abstinence-based” treatment, and doesn’t allow anyone using drugs, including methadone, or actively detoxing. Instead, it offers those who just got clean a supportive environment in which to live and to attend counselling.

Abbotsford News