Snaw-Naw-As elects new chief, council

NANAIMO – Brent Edwards took 57 of 117 total votes in Monday’s election.

Snaw-Naw-As First Nation at Nanoose Bay has elected a new person to lead.

Brent Edwards took 57 of 117 total votes in Monday’s election, defeating incumbent Chief David Bob who received 31 votes.

Edwards will also hold a councillor position, taking 61 votes. Joining him on band council are Gordon Edwards, who received 63 votes, Lawrence Mitchell (61 votes) and Christopher Bob (43 votes).

Edwards is able to run for both positions and hold them as per the Indian Act election regulations, according to Lawrence Lewis, electoral officer.

“It’s on his discretion whether he chooses to vacate one, but there’s no requirement for him to do so … the way things are structured under the Indian Act and the governance parameters is that the chief only has a tie-breaking vote, otherwise the councillors actually vote and carry the day,” said Lewis.

He likened the chief-councillor to a chairman.

“Much in the same way you have the chairman of the board, or the president has the ability to go out and negotiate arrangements and do deals and make decisions and bring them back to his board or council for ratification and so how that plays out … is really dependent on the culture of the community,” Lewis said.

Some communities have robust chiefs out in front, leading the nation, while others work “holistically” with their councils, said Lewis.

Edwards was contacted for comment, but did not respond.

Band council’s two-year term begins immediately, with the next election in 2018.

Nanaimo News Bulletin