Snow isn’t just falling on SilverStar Mountain Resort anymore. An arctic front brought some of the white stuff to Vernon Oct. 23, 2020. (SilverStar Mountain Resort - Facebook)

Snow isn’t just falling on SilverStar Mountain Resort anymore. An arctic front brought some of the white stuff to Vernon Oct. 23, 2020. (SilverStar Mountain Resort - Facebook)

Snow clearing crews on Vernon roads after first snowfall

City, RCMP remind residents to adjust to winter conditions

  • Oct. 23, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Vernonites woke up to the first snowfall of the season Friday, Oct. 23.

Environment Canada is calling for a high of 2 C, low of minus 4 C and snow throughout the day. The snow is expecting to end around midnight. The arctic front, and the culprit for the cold, is expected to break our seasonal lows of minus 1 C.

The City of Vernon and RCMP are reminding residents to adjust to conditions.

The city asked motorists to slow down, give yourself extra time to commute and have patience while navigating wet and slippery sections of road.

Vernon North Okanagan RCMP are reminding motorists to grab their snow brushes. To drive safely, motorists must be able to see. Driving with an obstructed view could result in a $109 fine.

“City of Vernon snow clearing equipment and personnel are ready for the season and trucks are out across the city today,” roads manager Ian Adkins said.

“Our crews clear roads, lanes and cul-de-sacs on a priority basis, according to the city’s snow and ice control policy.”

Arterials, collectors, bus routes, school zones and identified problem areas are deemed Priority 1 Roads. Priority 2 sees removal on all remaining roads except lanes and cul-de-sacs, which are handled in Priority 3.

Sidewalks adjacent to commercial and residential properties is the responsibility of the resident or tenant.

“It’s important these areas are kept clear for the safety of everyone who uses them,” the city said in a statement Oct. 23.

The city reminds shovellers to not pile snow on travel lanes, storm drains, fire hydrants or bus pickup-dropoff zones, as they can create safety hazards for the community. ‘

Do you have snowfall photos you want to share? Submit them to

READ MORE: Weather statement issued for Coquihalla, Hwy 3, as arctic front approaches

READ MORE: Vernon dumped with fourth snowiest January in three decades

@caitleerachCaitlin.clow@vernonmorningstar.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Vernon Morning Star