Ken’s Tire and Wheel in Chilliwack are busy helping drivers get ready for snow. (Photo: Paul Henderson/Black Press)The B.C. Ministry of Transportation is reminding people to put off changing their tires until the end of the month if htey plan on travelling on major highways in the area. (Photo: Paul Henderson/Black Press)

Snow tire requirements still in effect until April 30

Many highways in and out of Golden still require winter tires despite warmer weather

  • Apr. 13, 2021 12:00 a.m.

As the weather warms and spring seems to be around the corner, the B.C. Ministry of Transportation is reminding drivers to put off changing their tires and keeping their winter snow tires on until the end of the month, as per their regulations.

Winter tires or chains are required on most routes in British Columbia from October 1 until April 30 that are located through mountain passes and high snowfall areas.

Conditions and weather can change quickly in the Golden area and throughout the Interior, with snow still possible despite the warming temperatures.

For other routes and highways, tire and chain requirements end on March 31.

Tires must be in good condition and have a minimum tread depth of 3.5 millimetres. For rural highways and mountain passes, tires with the mountain/snowflake symbol provide the best traction and handling.

These regulations are enforced by policy, ministry and other enforcement officials, with those who are not compliant being turned away from the highway if caught and fined.

The Trans-Canada highway heading both east and west out of Golden is one such highway that requires winter tires or chains until April 30.

Highways 95 and 93 also require winter tires, as well as most routes through the Kootenays.

Normally, it is recommended that winter tires are removed once the temperature hits 7 degrees celsius, as the warmer temperature can cause the tires to wear faster.

According to Environment Canada, temperatures are supposed to hit the mid-teens in Golden over the next two weeks, while still hovering around freezing at night.

Their long term forecast predicts slightly below average temperatures over the next 1-3 months, as well as below average or near normal precipitation in the Interior/Kootenay region.

Golden Star