The Canadian Forces Snowbirds give residents a view of their world as they leave Salmon Arm and fly to Kamloops before the fatal crash May 17, creating a video along the way. (Canadian Forces Snowbirds YouTube image)

The Canadian Forces Snowbirds give residents a view of their world as they leave Salmon Arm and fly to Kamloops before the fatal crash May 17, creating a video along the way. (Canadian Forces Snowbirds YouTube image)

Snowbirds leave Shuswap residents with a glimpse of the region from their viewpoint

YouTube video made before the tragic crash in Kamloops on May 17

Family, friends and many Canadians in general are mourning the death of Captain Jenn Casey of the Snowbirds and sending their wishes to the jet’s pilot, Capt. Richard MacDougall, who is recovering in hospital.

Many tributes are pouring in, with so many citizens aware and appreciative of the Canadian Forces Snowbirds through their many years of demonstrating their aerobatic skills to the public.

Salmon Arm residents were among those who saw a formation of the six jets fly over the community about 1:45 p.m. on Saturday, May 16, part of their tour to raise people’s spirits during the pandemic.

In typical fashion, a video of the jets’ trip from Salmon Arm to Kamloops prior to the crash in Kamloops on Sunday was posted by the Canadian Forces Snowbirds to YouTube, showing their aerial view of the region.

The video, which runs a total of 16 minutes 33 seconds, shows the formation leaving Salmon Arm and Shuswap Lake, eventually following the Thompson River to Kamloops.

Read more: Snowbirds fly over Shuswap on May 16

Read more: Photos – Snowbirds pause flights as military, public mourn service member killed in crash

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Salmon Arm Observer