District of Houston

District of Houston

Snowclearing request denied

A request from Houston Link to Learning to have the parking lot at the Morice Building it is leasing from Coast Mountain College be cleared by the District has been turned down.

  • Sep. 2, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A request from Houston Link to Learning to have the parking lot at the Morice Building it is leasing from Coast Mountain College be cleared by the District has been turned down.

Council members, in discussing the request at the Aug. 18 council meeting, decided the request could set a precedent when it comes to plowing privately-owned parking lots.

And they were concerned about the ability of the District to undertake such work.

The request made by Houston Link to Learning follows a lease it has just negotiated with the college to use the Morice Building until March 2023. The lease makes snow clearing a responsibility of the social service agency.

“This service would enable Houston Link to Learning to direct the funds that we would need to budget for snow removal back into our program funding for the community,” wrote manager Marian Ells in making the request.

Houston Today