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Social Media Ambassadors take Arrow Lakes living online

Social media campaign aims to bring more awareness to Nakusp and all it offers.

It’s a fact of life for a lot of people. Facebook is everywhere these days. It’s a hugely used online tool in Nakusp where a lot of community interaction happens. We may live in the crevices between mountains, but there are wires in them thar hills, alive with internet connections.

A new social media campaign aiming to bring more people to the Nakusp area is being spearheaded by Seekers Media. The group is employing Social Media Ambassadors, and it’s those two locals who will bring the area to life on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. It’s easy to do, there is so much to show the world.

The Seekers Media presentation on Social Media Content Generation and Amplification for Nakusp on Oct. 26 was a sold-out affair. People were eager to learn how to get their message out and attracting visitors to experience what life has to offer along the Arrow Lakes. Besides teaching the difference between a hashtag and an at-symbol, the media group emphasized the importance of each person developing a unique voice, and the power of short-form narrative. It is these two things that make social media posts stand out from the crowd.

Although attracting visitors to the area may be the initial goal, Social Media Ambassador Claire Paradis says she’d like to see people come and stay.

“It would be great if getting pictures and these mini-stories out on social media attracted people who want to be part of our communities here,” said Paradis. “That’s the nice thing about curating content, it’s going to attract people who want to live the kind of life you’re showcasing. I want to have people move here who love and respect the natural beauty here, who want to contribute and be part of our community, and who will love and appreciate the people who live here.”


Arrow Lakes News