The City of Vernon is in the early stages of a review of its operations.

The City of Vernon is in the early stages of a review of its operations.

Some questions arise over service review at Vernon city hall

Councillors wonder why larger communities are being used for comparisons

Some of the procedures for a service review at Vernon city hall are drawing scrutiny.

The consultant leading the process is comparing Vernon’s provision of public services to Kamloops, Kelowna, Penticton, Mission and Campbell River.

“Kelowna and Kamloops are three times our size and they offer programs we can’t afford,” said Coun. Catherine Lord during a presentation from the consultant, KPMG, Monday.

Representatives from KPMG state Kelowna and Kamloops were selected partly because of their shared geography with Vernon.

Among the issues for the review to consider are making sure the services delivered are of the highest value, removing lower value services and directing limited resources to the delivery of community-valued programs.

Look for more details in Wednesday’s Morning Star.

Vernon Morning Star