Sooke council will reconsider its virtual meetings in February, after provincial orders are expected to ease up. (YouTube - District of Sooke)

Sooke council to reconsider virtual meetings in February

Extended provincial orders in place until Feb. 5

  • Jan. 13, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Sooke council will decide in February whether to return to in-person council meetings.

Council has met virtually since last March.

Mayor Maja Tait said the council would continue to meet virtually until Feb. 8, when provincial guidelines are expected to be lifted.

“I’m so grateful for the fact that we can still meet virtually, and our team has been doing their best,” said Tait during a recent meeting.

“There’s always positives and negatives. When we’re in person, I could miss seeing someone’s hand, the fire alarm could go off unexpectedly, the air conditioner might break down, there are many factors.”

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The item was brought to council on Jan. 11 to discuss, as staff assumed that the guidelines would’ve been lifted by early January.

Council voted unanimously to reconsider virtual meetings in February.

“We’re still a team here [on Zoom], but it’s a lot easier to work as a team when we’re all in the same room,” said Coun. Al Beddows. “I do miss my fellow councillors working as a team, but it’s clear we’re in a pretty gruesome time.”

ALSO READ: Victoria council’s catered lunches back on the chopping block


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