On Alexa's team, Cst. Christina Klein with Inspector Al Ramey - the Officer in Charge of Island District Traffic Services.

On Alexa's team, Cst. Christina Klein with Inspector Al Ramey - the Officer in Charge of Island District Traffic Services.

Sooke officer joins Alexa’ team

RCMP officer joins the ranks of police reducing impaired drivers

  • Jun. 24, 2015 6:00 p.m.

Alexa Middalaer was a four-year-old girl killed by an impaired driver in May, 2008.  Since this tragic accident, Alexa’s parents have dedicated themselves to reducing impaired driving to spare other families from experiencing this anguish. In 2008 they helped launch Alexa’s Team – a program that recognizes police officers in B.C. for their outstanding efforts in Impaired Driving investigations. In 2008 there were 26 members on Alexa’s Team. As of 2012 there are 355 police officers from across the province who have collectively processed 32, 743 impaired drivers.

Photo: Cst. Klein along with Inspector Al Ramey – the Officer in Charge of Island District Traffic Services – at the Alexa’s Team Awards earlier in June.

“I am extremely proud to announce that Cst. Christina Klein of Sooke Detachment, has been awarded the 2014 Alexa’s Team award,” said S/Sgt. Jeff McArthur.  “Cst. Klein works diligently each and every shift to hunt down impaired drivers. Her goal for next year is to achieve this award again, and to have other Sooke members accomplish this as well and be with her at the awards ceremony.”

Sooke News Mirror