Sooke School District warns parents of privacy breach

Sooke School District warns parents of privacy breach

Staff member's email recently hacked by someone outside the district

  • May. 31, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The Sooke School District is warning parents about a privacy invasion after an employee’s email was hacked.

“It has been discovered that the email account of a staff member was compromised by someone outside of the district and used to email out a spam informational link to other staff. Approximately 15 other staff members clicked on the link, thereby exposing their email accounts and email contents to the hacker(s),” said schhol superintendent Jim Cambridge.

The warning email was only directed to approximately 1,300 families in the district, who were potentially affected.

Cambridge said the technology department deactivated all emails addresses that were affected, but the contents of the emails could have been compromised, meaning some emails from students in the district could be visible to someone outside the school district.

The school district has also notified the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of the privacy breach.

“We sincerely apologize for this error. We will be looking at ways at the district level that would help to avoid an error like this from happening again,” said Cambridge.

Guardians who received the warning email are welcome to bring their concerns to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner by calling 250-387-5629.

For any further questions, please contact school district secretary-treasurer, Harold Cull at

Sooke News Mirror