Hundreds of students cross Sooke Road every school day on their way to classes at EMCS. (File - Sooke News Mirror)

Hundreds of students cross Sooke Road every school day on their way to classes at EMCS. (File - Sooke News Mirror)

Sooke student hit by vehicle in high school crosswalk

Injuries appear to be non-life threatening, but student was taken to hospital by ambulance

An Edward Milne Community School student was injured on Thursday morning when she was struck by a car as she crossed Sooke Road on the way to start her school day.

The female student was hit in the crosswalk as she was crossing Sooke Road immediately in front of the high school.

The accident took place at about 8 a.m. and the student was taken by ambulance to Victoria General Hospital after being treated on scene for what appeared to be non-life threatening injuries, although the full extent of the injuries are still unknown.

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“There are no crossing guards at this crosswalk although it is a lighted crosswalk,” School Superintendent, Scott Stinson said.

A similar crosswalk at Saseenos Elementary School does have a crossing guard that ensures that traffic stops for students. Stinson said that the crossing guard at that school is funded, in part, by the District of Sooke.

Stinson confirmed that the School District 62 Critical Incident Team is on site at EMCS, working with staff and students to help process the incident.

Students will remain in class and the day will proceed as usual.

RELATED: Pedestrian injuries spike this time of year
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