South Boucherie traffic calming input requested

An open house will be held to present traffic calming options for streets in the Mission Hill and Vineyard Estates neighbourhoods.

An open house will be held to present traffic calming options for streets in the Mission Hill and Vineyard Estates neighbourhoods.

The District of West Kelowna is asking South Boucherie property owners to attend the meeting to view the proposed solutions and provide feedback regarding the options.

The meeting takes place Monday, Oct. 28, at Chief Tomat Elementary School (3365 East Boundary Road). Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

District of West Kelowna staff and a traffic consultant will be available at the meeting to discuss the proposed solutions and answer questions.

An online survey will also be made available at for approximately one week following the meeting to ensure those who are uncle to attend can still add their input.

An initial open house was held June 27 to present residents with the district’s plans to conduct a traffic calming study in the area.

Over the summer and early fall, a consultant conducted traffic counts, observed travel patterns and worked with municipal staff to draft solutions to be presented at the Oct. 28 open house.

Residents’ feedback will be used to narrow down the options and finalize a traffic calming plan for the area.

Upgrades will be subject to council consideration and funding availability.

Kelowna Capital News