(Delta Police Department photo)

South Delta crime beat, week of Feb. 8

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • Feb. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in South Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:


• Feb. 10, 1:00 a.m., 6800-block River Rd.: Police were conducting proactive patrols when they searched the licence plate of a nearby vehicle. Police searched the driver’s name and it revealed that they had an outstanding arrest warrant for possession of stolen mail, possession of stolen property and identity theft. Police conducted a traffic stop for the outstanding warrants and transported the driver to cells for their court date.

• Feb. 10, 12:31 p.m., 2800-block 53rd St.: During proactive patrols, police conducted a traffic stop and found the driver to have an invalid BC driver’s licence. When advised of the reason for stop, the driver produced a letter he believed proved that his BC driver’s licence was valid. Upon review of the letter, police pointed out a paragraph of the letter, which states “You cannot legally drive until you go to your nearest ICBC Driver’s Licensing Office and apply for a new licence.” The driver responded, “Oops… I guess I should have read the whole letter.” The driver was issued a warning violation ticket for not having a driver’s licence.

• Feb. 10, 12:55 p.m., 6600-block Ladner Trunk Rd.: Police were conducting laser speed enforcement westbound when they noticed a vehicle speeding at an estimated 120 km/h. Police verified with radar the vehicle was travelling at 113 km/h in a posted 50 km/h zone. The vehicle was stopped, the driver was issued an excessive speeding ticket and their vehicle was towed.

• Feb. 12, 6:38 a.m., 5000-block Ladner Trunk Rd.: Complainant called police requesting that police return his karaoke machine, which was left in a police car. The male was dropped off earlier in the morning by police and he now wanted to meet at a nearby establishment to collect his belongings. Police located the karaoke machine and returned it to the male at the nearby establishment.

• Feb. 13, 2:03 p.m., 4800-block 47th Ave.: Complainant reported a suspicious vehicle that was parked, and the driver was approaching people that were walking by. Police attended the area, located the vehicle and spoke to the driver. The driver explained to the officers that he was lost and had been asking people for directions. Police escorted the driver to the address he was looking for and updated the complainant on the situation.

• Feb. 13, 2:29 p.m., 5200-block Laurel Dr.: Complainant reported a vehicle was towing kids on a sled behind the vehicle as the streets were coated in snow. Police attended and located the vehicle parked with a sled tied to the rear of the vehicle. Police advised the driver of the safety concerns and outlined the risks involved in doing such an act. The driver understood and stated he was packing up the sled and heading back home to build a snowman with his children.

Tsawwassen and Tsawwassen First Nation

• Feb. 11, 8:09 p.m., 1300-block 56th St.: Complainants reported a vehicle had hit and damaged a “caution low clearance” sign. The complainants advised that the vehicle had left the scene and parked a couple blocks away. Police investigation revealed that the driver had recently purchased the vehicle from his friend, but had failed to purchase insurance. The driver displayed no indication of impairment and explained he knew he had hit the sign but didn’t know who to contact. The vehicle had chipped the paint on the sign and both the sign and vehicle had superficial damage. Police issued a no insurance ticket to the driver.

• Feb. 12, 4:50 p.m., 1600-block 56th St.: Complainant reported that he believed he was being a victim of fraud after he gave out his social insurance number and other information. Police met with the male, where he reported he was looking for work and was contacted by a company overseas who said they were interested in hiring him. The male sent various pieces of information to the company as part of the hiring process, such as banking information and his social insurance number. The male became suspicious when he was requested to deposit a cheque for $18,000 in his name from an unknown sender. The male has since cancelled his bank accounts and has been advised by police to contact the appropriate contacts to identify and report fraudulent credit applications.

• Feb. 12, 5:57 p.m., BC Ferries Terminal: A supervisor called police to report that a staff member had found a Ziploc bag containing a white powdery substance that resembled drugs. The staff member found the substance in a washroom of the ferry terminal but no one was seen entering or leaving the washroom. A white baseball hat and burnt tinfoil, which were disposed of before police arrived, were also left in the washroom. Police attended and examined the substance which did not appear to be drugs, but were unable to determine exactly what the substance was. The substance was logged into exhibits for disposal.

• Feb. 13, 10:54 p.m., 1000-block 56th St.: Complainant reported to police that her downstairs neighbour was playing loud bass music, resulting in her family not being able to sleep. Police attended and spoke with the homeowner, who admitted to playing their music too loud. The resident immediately turned the music down and agreed to keep it off for the night.

• Feb. 14, 8:09 a.m., Canoe Pass Way Mall Access: Police observed a vehicle turning left with its rear window entirely obstructed by snow. Police initiated a traffic stop for the observed offence and identified the driver. Police determined that their driver’s licence has been expired since Jan. 2, 2021, and subsequently issued him a violation ticket for vision obstructed and no driver’s licence. Police transported the driver to his residence so that he could wake up his brother to come drive the vehicle. Police then transported the brother to the traffic stop location where he then drove the car home.

RELATED: North Delta crime beat, week of Feb. 8

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of Feb. 1

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of Feb. 1

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