(Delta Police Department photo)

South Delta crime beat, week of June 21

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • Jul. 1, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in South Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:


• June 21, 4:03 p.m., 5900-block 49A Ave.: Complainant reported that a 14-year-old boy had been riding his dirt bike around in the nearby park and was concerned for the safety of the children who often play in the area. Police attended and spoke with the boy, who was advised not to ride the dirt bike on the roads or in the park anymore, in which the boy agreed.

• June 22, 3:16 p.m., 3600-block Arthur Dr.: Complainant contacted police to report that beer and soda cans were being thrown out of a limo. Police learned the limo was part of a high school graduation event. Police attended the event venue and spoke with a security volunteer and parent of one of the graduates. The security volunteer was informed of the incident and in turn stated the school booked all the limos and had a list of which individuals were in which limo as there was more than one booked. Police were able to identify which individuals were in the limo in question. The limo itself had departed from the scene after dropping the kids off. The security volunteer stated he would pull that group aside and have a chat with them about the incident. Police also contacted the owner of the limo and informed him of the incident.

• June 25, 2:31 a.m., 60th Avenue and Highway 17: Police observed a vehicle swerve twice from one lane to another. Police conducted a traffic stop and when the vehicle pulled over, it hit the curb. Police formed the suspicion that the driver had alcohol in his body based on his erratic driving behaviour. Police read the driver an approved screening device demand, however the driver refused multiple times to provide a breath sample. The driver was advised of the jeopardy that came with a refusal, however, the driver continued to adamantly refuse to provide a breath sample. Police seized the driver’s licence and the driver was served a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition for the refusal and a 30-day vehicle impoundment.

• June 27, 11:45 a.m., 14700 57th St.: Complainant reported that there was a Rottweiler panting in a parked vehicle for over 30 minutes and it appeared in distress. Police attended and located the dog panting in the back seat of the vehicle, which was parked in the shade under a tree with all windows and sunroofs open. Of note, the current temperature was 30 C, with a humidex of 34 C. Police contacted the owner of the vehicle, who was at a nearby business. The owner stated that his dog was okay and just “runs hot.” Police advised that the owner would need to move her inside with him or take her home or to a friend’s due to the extreme weather, as she appeared to be overheating. The owner took their dog to a friend’s house.

Tsawwassen and Tsawwassen First Nation

• June 21, 2:00 a.m., 900-block BC Ferries causeway: Complainant reported that approximately five males were having a beach party with a bonfire. The complainant stated that the excessive noise had been going on for the past hour and a half. Police attended and spoke to the five males, who agreed to put out the fire and head home for the night. No violation tickets were issued and all parties were co-operative and compliant.

• June 22, 9:15 p.m., 1600-block 56th St.: Complainant reported that she observed a vehicle parked in a stall for the last four hours. The complainant reported that she observed two males sitting inside the truck drinking and smoking and was concerned that they might drive away. Police attended and observed the vehicle backed into the stall (the engine was not running) with two males sitting inside. Police observed the passenger drinking a can of beer and there was a can of beer inside the cup holder in reach of the driver. The driver stated that he was smoking and drinking inside his truck as it was not allowed inside the apartment he had moved into a month ago. Police advised the driver that open liquor was not permitted in the vehicle and that he was required to update his driver’s licence address as he had moved. Police served the driver a violation ticket for having liquor in a motor vehicle and a warning violation ticket for failing to change his address.

• June 25, 12:34 a.m., 4900-block 10A Ave.: Complainant contacted police to report that youths had thrown eggs at the cars in his driveway. The complainant stated that youths had thrown eggs at both vehicles just after midnight and reported that there was no damage to either vehicle, however extra cleaning would be required to get rid of the egg yolks. The complainant advised that he believed that the youths were scared away by a passerby as they had left a full carton of eggs in the streets. The complainant was unable to describe the youths as he did not see them, he only heard the sound of eggs hitting the vehicles. The complainant advised that he is aware that there is end of school year mischief taking place in the area. The youth were gone upon police arrival and were unable to be identified.

• June 25, 10:08 p.m., 1200-block Tsatsu Shores Dr.: Police received a call advising that people were locked on the beaches in the ferry causeway. On attendance, police advised the group of beach-goers that the property belonged to BC Ferries and that a staff member would be by to open the gate. Beach-goers were directed to the very large and clearly visible sign at the gate indicating that the gate was locked at dusk and that patrons should allow 30 minutes to leave prior to the closure of the gate. The beach-goers were not happy that they could not be immediately let out and that they would have to wait. BC Ferries staff were advised and attended to open the gate.

• June 27, 12:15 p.m., 2000-block Highway 17: Police observed a vehicle change lanes without using its turn signal. Police conducted a traffic stop and, while speaking with the driver, detected an odour of liquor emanating from his mouth. Police read the driver an approved screening device demand and the driver subsequently produced two breath samples, both resulting in a “fail.” The driver was issued an immediate roadside prohibition and given a 30-day vehicle impoundment. The driver and passenger were provided bus vouchers by police, given the address of a shelter and transported to the Tsawwassen Beach at their request.

RELATED: North Delta crime beat, week of June 21

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of June 14

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of June 14

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