(Delta Police Department photo)

(Delta Police Department photo)

South Delta crime beat, week of June 27

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • Jul. 9, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in South Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:


• June 27, 3:26 p.m., 3100-block 53rd St.: Complainant advised that the driver of an SUV was tailgating and driving erratically, and provided police with the licence plate number of the vehicle. Police spoke with the SUV driver and issued a verbal warning. Driver was compliant and apologetic.

• June 29, 2:49 p.m., 7000-block River Rd.: Complainant reported that earlier than day an unknown person came into the employee parking lot and stole a backpack and lunch cooler out of a vehicle with an open window. Approximate value of the theft was $100. The cooler was recovered a short distance away.

• June 30, 6:28 p.m., 4600-block 53rd St.: Complainant called police to report a theft of her bike and bike trailer from the underground parkade of her apartment. No forced entry to the parkade noted.

• July 1, 9:51 p.m., 4000-block River Reach: A Canada Day party with approximately 30 youths inside a residence generated an anonymous noise complaint. Police attended and spoke the person throwing the party. He shut down the party and the youths left without incident.

• July 2, 7:23 a.m., 7000-block Highway 17: A vehicle sped passed an unmarked police car, whose front radar locked the speed at 111 km/h in the posted 80 km/h zone. The vehicle then proceeded to increase their speed, at which police locked the speed at 130 km/h. The driver was served an excessive speed violation ticket and the car was impounded.

• July 5, 10:17 a.m., 5000-block Grove Ave.: Complainant reported that at 2:15 a.m. two unknown males had broken into and tried to steal his truck that was parked in his driveway. Police attended and observed the driver side door lock and the ignition were punched with an unknown tool. Estimated damage was $1,000. Complainant advised that nothing was stolen and that the truck did not start because it required a fob.

• July 5, 2:15 p.m., 5000-block Central Ave.: Complainant reported that sometime overnight an unknown person punched the passenger door lock and pried the keyhole cover on the ignition to his truck. Valuable tools and a wallet with cash were left inside the vehicle.


• June 27, 9:57 p.m., 400-block English Bluff Rd.: Complainant called police to report a loud group of youth congregating at and possibly vandalizing English Bluff Elementary School. On arrival, police located the group of youth who apologized, picked up their garbage and moved along without any issues. Police conducted a walk-around of the school and did not observe any vandalism or broken glass. Complainant was updated.

• June 27, 10:23 p.m., 6000-block 17A Ave.: Complainant called police to report hearing loud voices coming from the beach and firecrackers going off on the road. On arrival, police conducted foot patrol on the beach and dyke, but did not locate anyone. Police spoke with the complainant who stated that the issue of youths being loud and vandalizing had been going on for a year. Police advised they would conduct more patrols in the area.

• June 28, 1:29 p.m., Centennial Park: Metro Vancouver Parks requested police attend 550 Boundary Bay Rd. to assist with traffic control at the Centennial Beach parking lot. Police attended and observed area to be busy with the parking lot overflowing. Delta bylaws were unable to assist due to traffic concerns elsewhere. Police attended to assisted Metro Vancouver employees in gaining control over traffic flow.

• June 29, 8:19 p.m., 1100-block Bayview Dr.: Complainant reported that his lawnmower, valued at approximately $500, had been stolen from outside his house. Complainant advised that the lawnmower was at the end of his driveway, just out of view, while he was weeding and listening to music on headphones. When he returned to start mowing his lawn, the mower was gone. Police suggested that given the location where the mower was left that someone may have thought the mower was being thrown out. Area patrols were negative.

• July 1, 11:22 p.m., 1200-block 55th St.: Delta police were conducting proactive enforcement for impaired drivers, i.e. Summer Counterattack, when he noticed a male slowly stagger to and from his vehicle in the parking lot. The male occupied the driver’s seat of the vehicle and exited the parking lot. A traffic stop was conducted and a distinct odour of liquor was on the breath of the driver. The driver provided a breath sample, to which he blew a “fail.” The driver was issued a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition and his vehicle was impounded.

• July 4, 9:32 p.m., 500-block Centennial Pky.: Complainant reported that two males were smoking marijuana inside a car parked at Centennial Beach. Police attended and spoke with the driver who advised that his passenger was smoking a nicotine vape pen. Passenger allowed police to inspect the vape pen, which was only meant for nicotine. Neither the driver nor passenger smelled of marijuana or displayed any signs of impairment.

RELATED: North Delta crime beat, week of June 27

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of June 21

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of June 21

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