South end crime rate falls

  • Feb. 17, 2012 2:00 p.m.

The Queen Charlotte RCMP detachment dealt with less crime in 2011 than it did in 2010, says Sgt. Rob Knapton. Sgt. Knapton told the Moresby Island Management Committee last week that he estimates the 2011 crime rate to be 78, close to the provincial average of 75 for small detachments, and down substantially from 2010’s crime rate of 104. The crime rate represents the number of criminal code offences per 1,000 population. The Queen Charlotte detachment provides policing for the communities of Sandspit, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte, rural Moresby Island, and rural Graham Island as far north as the Tlell River bridge. Sgt. Knapton compared Queen Charlotte’s crime rate to other detachments in BC serving populations of under 5,000. Clinton has a crime rate of 71, Nootka Sound has a crime rate of 90, Tumbler Ridge has a crime rate of 126, Ucluelet has a crime rate of 131, and Masset has a crime rate of 176.

Haida Gwaii Observer