Peter Skinner, parks and facilities lead hand with the RDOS, takes down a ‘playground closed’ sign in Naramata, in line with the reopening of all other parks throughout Okanagan municipalities and regional districts on June 1. (Phil McLachlan - Western News)

Peter Skinner, parks and facilities lead hand with the RDOS, takes down a ‘playground closed’ sign in Naramata, in line with the reopening of all other parks throughout Okanagan municipalities and regional districts on June 1. (Phil McLachlan - Western News)

South Okanagan playgrounds now open

Once caution tape is removed, playgrounds are officially open for public use

  • Jun. 1, 2020 12:00 a.m.

As part of phased reopening plans across British Columbia, playgrounds in the Regional District of Okanagan- Similkameen are now open as of June 1.

This includes playgrounds located in municipal and regional parks, and at public schools. Once barriers are removed such as caution tape or fencing, it will signify playgrounds have been inspected and are open for public use.

Residents and visitors are asked to refrain from using these spaces until parks staff remove closed signs, fencing and caution tape.

READ MORE: Playgrounds to reopen across the Okanagan on June 1

The decision to close playgrounds has been at the discretion of local governments.

Regional district staff staff have been working collaboratively with municipal and regional partners to determine appropriate timing to reopen playgrounds.

Waterparks will remain closed at this time. Waterparks and indoor recreation facility reopening plans will be provided as each facility has unique considerations to ensure the safety of staff and patrons, said the regional district in a news release.

The regional district office at 101 Martin St. in Penticton, Okanagan Falls Community Centre and Area D Economic Development office are also open to the public.

“Opening offices and playgrounds is an important part of phased reopening plans across the province,” said regional district board chair Karla Kozakevich. “Residents and visitors are reminded to continue following Provincial health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

Some of the most important steps in preventing the spread of COVID-19 are:

  • Wash and/or sanitize hands before and after visiting playgrounds
  • Maintain a safe physical distance and avoid gatherings
  • Stay home if you feel unwell

Phase three of BC’s Restart Plan runs from June to September, 2020.

For more information regarding the phased reopening of programs and facilities, visit the RDOS or municipal websites.

READ MORE: COVID-19: B.C. schools to begin part-time class instruction June 1

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