South Similkameen Museum Society plans for a busy year

At the AGM of the South Similkameen Museum Society there were few changes but many accolades for the hard working volunteers.

  • Apr. 17, 2012 5:00 p.m.


At the AGM of the South Similkameen Museum Society there were few changes but many accolades for the hard working volunteers.

The new executives of the society are President Judy Chisholm,  Vice-President Doreen Topping, Treasurer Doreen Smith, Secretary Kim Ruttig, and the new directors are; John Armstrong, Pat Kupiak, Celia Pattenden and Della Barrett.  A new position was created to honour Frances Peck as she was appointed historian.  Frances’ invaluable knowledge of the people and places in this valley are an asset that we have been relying on and will be asking her to assist in that vein more and more in the next year or two.

The museum society has been very busy over the past year carrying on with many of the existing functions such as; hosting a booth at all the community events and holding a plant sale.  But there were a few new activities as well, the very popular Fancy Hat Tea Party, and the Pioneer picnic are two of the more popular new functions.

With a busy year behind us we are gearing up for an even busier new year. While still maintaining the existing community events many hours will be worked by volunteers if we are successful in obtaining a grant to help sort, catalogue and digitize many photos and documents that are in the museum but should be safe guarded by scanning them into a computer.  This will be a huge job and we will be reaching out to ask for more help from the people of this community.  The results of our application should be known by the end of August.

With spring upon us (or is that wishful thinking) there will be a yard clean-up at the museum on May 5 at 10 a.m.  If you have a good and reliable gas weed eater that you could donate to the museum (to use …not go on display) we would be very grateful. Or, if you can’t donate one maybe bring yours over and we will let you use it in the museum yard.  We are also looking for some garden hoses and sprinklers, most of ours should be moved inside the building to go on display. If you can help in any way please call Judy Chisholm at 250-499-2883.


– Judy Chisholm



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