Residents of Peace Arch RV Park received a letter retracting an October notice to vacate. (Tracy Holmes photo)

Residents of Peace Arch RV Park received a letter retracting an October notice to vacate. (Tracy Holmes photo)

South Surrey RV park residents granted apparent reprieve

Written request to vacate within six months retracted

Residents of a South Surrey RV Park who had been asked to vacate within six months have received an apparent reprieve.

According to a letter shared with Peace Arch News by one Peace Arch RV Park resident, the request to leave was retracted in late November.

“We have listened to the concerns expressed to us by residents. We are also working with the City of Surrey to find a solution to the bylaw issue,” the letter, from park administration, states.

“Accordingly, we are writing to withdraw the request in the October 30, 2019 letter that the residents leave the park within 6 months.”

READ MORE: UPDATED: South Surrey RV park residents ‘up in arms’ over eviction notices

PAN first learned of the notice to vacate in early November, after one resident shared it on Facebook.

At that time, park administration cited city zoning that prohibits stays of more than six months in a 12-month period; and that the “error we have made as management” was highlighted by a recent Residential Tenancy Branch (RTB) decision.

City officials at the time, however, told PAN the matter was “between the property owner and his tenants.” As well, officials with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing confirmed that the park, located at 14601 40 Ave., is under investigation by the RTB’s compliance and enforcement unit, after “some issues” were brought to the unit’s attention in July.

In the letter retracting the notice to vacate, park administrators say they “will continue to work with the City of Surrey in the hope of ensuring that the bylaw will not be enforced.”

“If the City of Surrey elects to enforce its bylaw, we may be forced to ask residents to leave so that they do not stay more than 6 months in any 12 months period, but it is our sincere hope that this will not happen.”

According to the city’s Tourist Accommodation Zone bylaw, the six-month limit “excludes tourist trailer parks and camp-sites.”

City documents define a tourist trailer park as “a lot which has been planned and improved, or is intended for the placement of house trailers, campers and other recreational vehicles for transient use.”

Peace Arch News