Spall fires keep crews busy

Armstrong-Spallumcheen firefighters have been busy protecting the region.

Armstrong-Spallumcheen firefighters have been busy protecting the region.

Wednesday proved to be particularly action-packed as crews started off with a vehicle over the bank in Spallumcheen on Pleasant Valley Road at 11:25 a.m.

Then the evening picked up as two fires broke out in Spallumcheen.

A small grass fire by the side of Rashdale Road was quickly knocked down after the call came in just before 5 p.m.

“It was probably 50 feet by 12 feet. There’s no determination of cause on that,” said chief Ian Cummings.

The larger challenge came with a brush fire off Highway 97A, north of Greenhow Road.

“It was 700 to 800 feet off the highway up on the side of the mountain,” said Cummings. “It was about half-an-acre in size.”

BX-Swan Lake and wildfire crews were on scene assisting in fighting the blaze, which had crews on scene for three hours.

No truck access was possible, forcing crews to drag lines up the mountain face.

“The guys had to walk up and it was fairly steep terrain,” said Cummings.

Crews were back on scene Thursday to monitor hot spots and attempt to figure out how the blaze began.


Vernon Morning Star