Spall playground encouraged

Grade 5 student wants township to develop play area in Stepping Stones subdivision

Quinn Thiessen thinks his Spallumcheen neighbourhood should have a playground.

The Grade 5 resident of Stepping Stones wrote to township council and asked if it would consider developing a playground in his subdivision.

“When you were little, didn’t you love hanging out with your friends in the playground?” wrote Thiessen.

“Remember the fun of climbing on the monkey bars, racing to the swing or beating your friend down the slide? Well the kids in my neighbourhood and I are missing out on that.”

Thiessen said he finds it difficult to meet new friends in his neighbourhood because most of the kids are in their backyards.

He added the kids don’t know each other from school as all of the kids go to different schools.

“Kids are not spending enough time outside,” said Thiessen.

“They are, myself included, playing video games and watching TV. Kids aren’t interacting with each other or making new friends.”

Thiessen said he counted “about 90 properties in his subdivision.”

“It is my opinion that is enough for a small playground,” he wrote.

While sympathetic to Thiessen’s plight, council said there’s nothing it can do with the request as it has no land in the subdivision.

“The township does not currently own any land in the Stepping Stones subdivision to develop a park,” said Mayor Janice Brown.


Vernon Morning Star