Spallumcheen ready for disaster

Council unanimously approved three readings of the new emergency management program bylaw

Spallumcheen is proceeding with an emergency management plan.

Spallumcheen is proceeding with an emergency management plan.

Spallumcheen has moved a step closer to operating its own emergency management program.

Council unanimously approved three readings of the new emergency management program bylaw, which came about after the township decided to withdraw from a contractual agreement with Vernon for the delivery of an emergency program.

The withdrawal takes effect Jan. 1.

“The introduction of the bylaw is the first step in ensuring the application of an emergency management program,” said consultant Greg Betts, who has been working on the bylaw.

“It is based on a sample bylaw provided by Emergency Management B.C. and crafted to fit the needs of the township.”

The bylaw confirms the township’s legislative framework and establishes an emergency program committee and names a program coordinator.

Chief administrative officer Corey Paiement has been named co-ordinator, but council questioned whether Paiement had significant experience.

“We’re confident we can move forward with what we have,” said Betts. “Unless there’s a major catastrophe, then we can reach out to other jurisdictions.”

Township staff will receive training to deliver the program.

Final adoption of the bylaw remains.


Vernon Morning Star