With a number of properties within its boundaries on evacuation alert, the Township of Spallumcheen and Armstrong Spallumcheen Fire Department is encouraging residents to FireSmart their homes. (Contributed)

Spallumcheen residents urged to make homes FireSmart

Township of Spallumcheen and local fire department encourage move with a number of properties on evacuation alert

  • Aug. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Clean your deck. Move firewood. Prune trees and bushes.

With portions of Spallumcheen on Evacuation Alert, the township and Armstrong Spallumcheen Fire Department says now is the time to walk your property and ensure you are FireSmart in your home and yard.

Fire Chief Ian Cummings asks residents to “Help us help you.”

“Performing a FireSmart assessment of your home and yard takes a few minutes,” said Cummings.

Forms are available on the FireSmart BC website to assist you in performing a comprehensive review of your property.

Some simple things you can do today to ensure your yard is FireSmart:

• Clean under your deck to remove any combustible material. Establish a 1.5 metre non-combustible zone around the perimeter of the house and deck;

• Keep grass and weeds cut below 10 centimetres;

• Move firewood and lumber 10-30 metres away from your home;

• Relocate propane tanks 10-30 metres from your home and keep combustible vegetation a minimum of 10 metres from propane tanks;

• Prune trees to create a two-metre clearance from the ground to the lowest branches.

“Ash can still be seen falling into the community this morning (Sunday),” said township deputy corporate officer Lisa Gyorkos. “We ask residents to be vigilant in walking around your property and monitoring for potential hot spots.”

Additional resources to prepare your home and your family can be found on the Township of Spallumcheen website – Emergency Information page including preparing a grab-and-go bag and a 72-hour kit. An Evacuation Alert means that this is the time to get prepared to leave your home on short notice and be prepared to potentially not be home for some time.

The most recent press releases will be posted outside the Township Municipal Hall at 4144 Spallumcheen Way, Spallumcheen on its bulletin board. Updates will be issued as they become available. The next scheduled update will be Sunday Aug. 15, at 3 p.m.

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Vernon Morning Star


The above properties are on evacuation alert in the Township of Spallumcheen as of Sunday, Aug. 15, at 1 p.m. (Contributed)