The Township of Spallumcheen has initiated its 2017 budget process.

The Township of Spallumcheen has initiated its 2017 budget process.

Spallumcheen taxes may climb

Council kicked off the 2017 budget process Monday by instructing staff to target a 2.5 per cent tax increase.

Spallumcheen residents could be paying slightly more in taxes next year.

Council kicked off the 2017 budget process Monday by instructing staff to target a 2.5 per cent tax increase.

“It’s a starting point,” said Coun. Todd York.

“We have to direct our chief financial officer in some way so she can begin the process.”

The 2016 five-year financial plan called for a 3.14 per cent hike in 2017.

York admits that the costs of operating the municipality are rising constantly, but there is a need to consider the tax impact on residents.

“If we can get the incremental increase lower, it affects our lives in a positive way,” he said.

The first draft of the 2017 budget will be presented to council Jan. 23 and that will be followed by public consultation Feb. 6, a second draft March 13 and a third draft April 10.

Adoption of the bylaw is expected May 1.

Corey Paiement, chief administrative officer, wouldn’t speculate on whether the 2.5 per cent increase from council will be maintained or if it may change.

“We are at the very front end of the process,” he said.



Vernon Morning Star