roger knox/morning star                                 Armstrong Spallumcheen Trails Society president Peter Rotzetter (left) and Ken Chapman, commitee chairperson for the East Rosedale Trail proposal, explain the plan of flagging the would-be trail to Spallumcheen council.

roger knox/morning star Armstrong Spallumcheen Trails Society president Peter Rotzetter (left) and Ken Chapman, commitee chairperson for the East Rosedale Trail proposal, explain the plan of flagging the would-be trail to Spallumcheen council.

Spallumcheen trail plan proceeds

EAST ROSEDALE TRAIL: Flagging will help identify route and property lines

Phase two of a Spallumcheen trail project is being flagged.

Members of the Armstrong Spallumcheen Trail Society received approval from council to conduct flagging of the intended alignment of extending East Rosedale Trail. Phase one currently extends along Highway 97A from Smith Road to East Rosedale Road.

“This alignment would extend to Powerhouse Road,” said society president Peter Rotzetter.

“The intent of this trail is to provide a safe route for bikers, school children and walkers who live in Spallumcheen to get to the city (Armstrong).”

Ken Chapman, East Rosedale committee chairperson, told council that flagging the alignment of the trail and the existing property lines would allow for clear communications with the community about the proposed routing.

“It wouldn’t be an exact survey,” said Chapman. “We’re just trying to reassure residents where the intended trai would be. There won’t be any clearing at this point. We don’t have finances in place.”

The cost for flagging the trail, he said, would simply be a “labour thing.”

The proposed trial is supported in the 2011 Spallumcheen master trails plan and the official community plan supports providing recreational opportunities in the area.

Township chief administrative officer Doug Allin recommended the process should proceed and be referred to Spallumcheen’s planning department.

Council unanimously agreed.

Vernon Morning Star