Sparkling Hill seeks staff housing

The City of Vernon is considering zoning amendments that would allow Sparkling Hill Resort to provide employee housing on site.

A world-class resort wants to make sure employees have a place to call home.

The City of Vernon is considering zoning amendments that would allow Sparkling Hill Resort to provide employee housing on site.

“It’s a very successful business and one of the big issues has been retaining employees,” said Coun. Catherine Lord.

“Many of them are from outside of the country.”

First and second readings have been given to the employee housing amendment bylaw and a public hearing will be held at city hall May 26 at 5:30 p.m.

Canada Day activities insured

The City of Vernon has agreed to extend its insurance umbrella to the Canada Day committee.

The volunteer group hosts the July 1 festivities in Polson Park and liability insurance is needed for the organizers.

As part of the agreement to provide insurance, the city had to be made fully aware of what activities are planned.

“We want to satisfy our insurer that there’s a supervisory role (from the city),” said Will Pearce, chief administrative officer.

The Canada Day committee is going through a transition as Coun. Patrick Nicol, who died earlier this year, was the longtime chairperson and took on much of the organizing single-handedly.

“It’s a big commitment and they’re taking up where Patrick left off,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham.


Vernon Morning Star